¿Como va este caluroso último lunes de Agosto?
Espero que no os resulte excesivamente duro o que estéis en un lugar acogedor y fresco. Hoy me gustaría presentar una pieza de ropa artesanal muy especial: la camisa Saku, como podéis comprobar su diseño es holgado lo que resulta muy cómodo y aconsejable con este calor. Es una pieza única, realizada a mano y con un toque divertido e informal.
Y aprovechando que hablamos sobre camisas me gustaría relacionarlas con una gran embajadora de esa prenda la gran: Katharine Hepburn.
Hello Folks!
How is this hot last Monday of August going?
I hope you do not find it too hard or that you are in a cozy and cool place. Today I would like to present a very special piece of handmade clothing: the Saku shirt, as you can see its design is loose which is very comfortable and advisable with this heat. It is a unique piece, made by hand and with a fun and informal touch.
And taking advantage of the fact that we talked about shirts, I would like to relate them to a great ambassador of that great garment: Katharine Hepburn.